Zeile 31 | Zeile 31 |
} }
} }
$templatelist = "portal,portal_welcome_membertext,portal_stats,portal_search,portal_whosonline_memberbit,portal_whosonline,portal_latestthreads_thread,portal_latestthreads,portal_announcement_numcomments_no,portal_announcement,portal_welcome"; $templatelist .= ",portal_welcome_guesttext,postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail,postbit_attachments_images_image,postbit_attachments_attachment,postbit_attachments_thumbnails,postbit_attachments_images,postbit_attachments,portal_pms"; $templatelist .= ",multipage,multipage_end,multipage_jump_page,multipage_nextpage,multipage_page,multipage_page_current,multipage_page_link_current,multipage_prevpage,multipage_start,portal_announcement_send_item,portal_announcement_icon,portal_announcement_avatar,portal_announcement_numcomments";
| $templatelist = "portal,portal_welcome_membertext,portal_stats,portal_search,portal_whosonline_memberbit,portal_whosonline,portal_latestthreads_thread,portal_latestthreads,portal_announcement_numcomments_no"; $templatelist .= ",postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail,postbit_attachments_images_image,postbit_attachments_attachment,postbit_attachments_thumbnails,postbit_attachments_images,postbit_attachments"; $templatelist .= ",multipage,multipage_end,multipage_jump_page,multipage_nextpage,multipage_page,multipage_page_current,multipage_page_link_current,multipage_prevpage,multipage_start,portal_announcement_send_item"; $templatelist .= ",portal_stats_nobody,portal_announcement_avatar,portal_announcement_numcomments,portal_announcement_icon,portal_pms,portal_welcome,portal_announcement,portal_welcome_guesttext";
require_once $change_dir."/global.php"; require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_post.php";
| require_once $change_dir."/global.php"; require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_post.php";
Zeile 51 | Zeile 52 |
// Fetch the current URL $portal_url = get_current_location();
// Fetch the current URL $portal_url = get_current_location();
| $file_name = strtok(my_strtolower(basename($portal_url)), '?');
add_breadcrumb($lang->nav_portal, "portal.php");
| add_breadcrumb($lang->nav_portal, $file_name);
| $tunviewwhere = $unviewwhere = '';
// get forums user cannot view $unviewable = get_unviewable_forums(true); if($unviewable) { $unviewwhere = " AND fid NOT IN ($unviewable)"; $tunviewwhere = " AND t.fid NOT IN ($unviewable)";
// get forums user cannot view $unviewable = get_unviewable_forums(true); if($unviewable) { $unviewwhere = " AND fid NOT IN ($unviewable)"; $tunviewwhere = " AND t.fid NOT IN ($unviewable)";
} else { $unviewwhere = ''; }
| }
// get inactive forums $inactive = get_inactive_forums(); if($inactive) {
// get inactive forums $inactive = get_inactive_forums(); if($inactive) {
$inactivewhere = " AND fid NOT IN ($inactive)"; $tinactivewhere = " AND t.fid NOT IN ($inactive)"; } else { $inactivewhere = '';
| $unviewwhere .= " AND fid NOT IN ($inactive)"; $tunviewwhere .= " AND t.fid NOT IN ($inactive)";
| $mybb->user['username'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($mybb->user['username']);
$welcome = ''; // If user is known, welcome them
| $welcome = ''; // If user is known, welcome them
Zeile 88 | Zeile 84 |
if($mybb->user['uid'] != 0) { // Get number of new posts, threads, announcements
if($mybb->user['uid'] != 0) { // Get number of new posts, threads, announcements
$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "COUNT(pid) AS newposts", "visible=1 AND dateline>'".$mybb->user['lastvisit']."'{$unviewwhere}{$inactivewhere}");
| $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "COUNT(pid) AS newposts", "visible=1 AND dateline>'".$mybb->user['lastvisit']."'{$unviewwhere}");
$newposts = $db->fetch_field($query, "newposts"); if($newposts) { // If there aren't any new posts, there is no point in wasting two more queries
$newposts = $db->fetch_field($query, "newposts"); if($newposts) { // If there aren't any new posts, there is no point in wasting two more queries
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "COUNT(tid) AS newthreads", "visible=1 AND dateline>'".$mybb->user['lastvisit']."'{$unviewwhere}{$inactivewhere}");
| $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "COUNT(tid) AS newthreads", "visible=1 AND dateline>'".$mybb->user['lastvisit']."'{$unviewwhere}");
$newthreads = $db->fetch_field($query, "newthreads");
$newann = 0;
| $newthreads = $db->fetch_field($query, "newthreads");
$newann = 0;
Zeile 112 | Zeile 108 |
$announcementsfids = implode(',', $announcementsfids);
$announcementsfids = implode(',', $announcementsfids);
$annfidswhere = " AND fid IN (".$announcementsfids.")"; } }
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "COUNT(tid) AS newann", "visible=1 AND dateline>'".$mybb->user['lastvisit']."'{$annfidswhere}{$unviewwhere}"); $newann = $db->fetch_field($query, "newann");
$annfidswhere = " AND fid IN (".$announcementsfids.")"; } }
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "COUNT(tid) AS newann", "visible=1 AND dateline>'".$mybb->user['lastvisit']."'{$annfidswhere}{$unviewwhere}"); $newann = $db->fetch_field($query, "newann");
} }
| } }
else { $newposts = 0;
| else { $newposts = 0;
Zeile 205 | Zeile 201 |
$stats['numusers'] = my_number_format($stats['numusers']); if(!$stats['lastusername']) {
$stats['numusers'] = my_number_format($stats['numusers']); if(!$stats['lastusername']) {
$newestmember = "<strong>" . $lang->nobody . "</strong>";
| eval("\$newestmember = \"".$templates->get("portal_stats_nobody")."\";");
} else {
| } else {
Zeile 234 | Zeile 230 |
{ $order_by = 's.time DESC'; $order_by2 = 'u.username ASC';
{ $order_by = 's.time DESC'; $order_by2 = 'u.username ASC';
| }
$timesearch = TIME_NOW - $mybb->settings['wolcutoff'];
$timesearch = TIME_NOW - $mybb->settings['wolcutoff'];
$comma = '';
| |
$guestcount = $membercount = $botcount = $anoncount = 0;
$guestcount = $membercount = $botcount = $anoncount = 0;
$onlinemembers = '';
| $onlinemembers = $onlinebots = $comma = '';
$doneusers = array(); $query = $db->query(" SELECT s.sid, s.ip, s.uid, s.time, s.location, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup
| $doneusers = array(); $query = $db->query(" SELECT s.sid, s.ip, s.uid, s.time, s.location, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup
Zeile 248 | Zeile 243 |
WHERE s.time>'$timesearch' ORDER BY {$order_by}, {$order_by2} ");
WHERE s.time>'$timesearch' ORDER BY {$order_by}, {$order_by2} ");
| // Fetch spiders $spiders = $cache->read('spiders');
while($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
| while($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
Zeile 257 | Zeile 256 |
if($user['uid'] == "0") { ++$guestcount;
if($user['uid'] == "0") { ++$guestcount;
} elseif(my_strpos($user['sid'], "bot=") !== false && $session->bots[$botkey]) {
| } elseif(my_strpos($user['sid'], 'bot=') !== false && $spiders[$botkey]) {
// The user is a search bot.
// The user is a search bot.
$onlinemembers .= $comma.format_name($session->bots[$botkey], $session->botgroup);
| $onlinebots .= $comma.format_name($spiders[$botkey]['name'], $spiders[$botkey]['usergroup']);
$comma = $lang->comma; ++$botcount; }
| $comma = $lang->comma; ++$botcount; }
Zeile 274 | Zeile 273 |
$doneusers[$user['uid']] = $user['time'];
// If the user is logged in anonymously, update the count for that.
$doneusers[$user['uid']] = $user['time'];
// If the user is logged in anonymously, update the count for that.
if($user['invisible'] == 1)
| if($user['invisible'] == 1)
{ ++$anoncount; }
| { ++$anoncount; }
Zeile 290 | Zeile 289 |
if(($user['invisible'] == 1 && ($mybb->usergroup['canviewwolinvis'] == 1 || $user['uid'] == $mybb->user['uid'])) || $user['invisible'] != 1) {
if(($user['invisible'] == 1 && ($mybb->usergroup['canviewwolinvis'] == 1 || $user['uid'] == $mybb->user['uid'])) || $user['invisible'] != 1) {
$user['username'] = format_name($user['username'], $user['usergroup'], $user['displaygroup']);
| $user['username'] = format_name(htmlspecialchars_uni($user['username']), $user['usergroup'], $user['displaygroup']);
$user['profilelink'] = get_profile_link($user['uid']); eval("\$onlinemembers .= \"".$templates->get("portal_whosonline_memberbit", 1, 0)."\";"); $comma = $lang->comma; }
$user['profilelink'] = get_profile_link($user['uid']); eval("\$onlinemembers .= \"".$templates->get("portal_whosonline_memberbit", 1, 0)."\";"); $comma = $lang->comma; }
} }
| } } } if(trim($onlinebots) == "" || trim($onlinemembers) == "") { $comma = ""; } else { $comma = $lang->comma;
| $onlinemembers = $onlinebots.$comma.$onlinemembers;
$onlinecount = $membercount + $guestcount + $botcount;
| $onlinecount = $membercount + $guestcount + $botcount;
Zeile 351 | Zeile 361 |
$query = $db->query("
$query = $db->query("
SELECT t.tid, t.fid, t.uid, t.lastpost, t.lastposteruid, t.lastposter, t.subject, u.username
| SELECT t.tid, t.fid, t.uid, t.lastpost, t.lastposteruid, t.lastposter, t.subject, t.replies, t.views, u.username
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid=t.uid)
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid=t.uid)
WHERE 1=1 {$excludeforums}{$tunviewwhere}{$tinactivewhere} AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'
| WHERE 1=1 {$excludeforums}{$tunviewwhere} AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'
ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT 0, ".$mybb->settings['portal_showdiscussionsnum'] );
| ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT 0, ".$mybb->settings['portal_showdiscussionsnum'] );
Zeile 363 | Zeile 373 |
$forumpermissions[$thread['fid']] = forum_permissions($thread['fid']);
// Make sure we can view this thread
$forumpermissions[$thread['fid']] = forum_permissions($thread['fid']);
// Make sure we can view this thread
if($forumpermissions[$thread['fid']]['canview'] == 0 || $forumpermissions[$thread['fid']]['canviewthreads'] == 0 || (isset($forumpermissions[$thread['fid']]['canonlyviewownthreads']) && $forumpermissions[$thread['fid']]['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1 && $thread['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid']))
| if(isset($forumpermissions[$thread['fid']]['canonlyviewownthreads']) && $forumpermissions[$thread['fid']]['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1 && $thread['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid'])
{ continue; }
$lastpostdate = my_date('relative', $thread['lastpost']);
{ continue; }
$lastpostdate = my_date('relative', $thread['lastpost']);
| if(!$thread['lastposteruid'] && !$thread['lastposter']) { $lastposter = htmlspecialchars_uni($lang->guest); } else { $lastposter = htmlspecialchars_uni($thread['lastposter']); }
$thread['replies'] = my_number_format($thread['replies']); $thread['views'] = my_number_format($thread['views']);
// Don't link to guest's profiles (they have no profile). if($thread['lastposteruid'] == 0) {
$thread['replies'] = my_number_format($thread['replies']); $thread['views'] = my_number_format($thread['views']);
// Don't link to guest's profiles (they have no profile). if($thread['lastposteruid'] == 0) {
$lastposterlink = $thread['lastposter']; } else { $lastposterlink = build_profile_link($thread['lastposter'], $thread['lastposteruid']);
| $lastposterlink = $lastposter; } else { $lastposterlink = build_profile_link($lastposter, $thread['lastposteruid']);
| $thread['subject'] = $thread['fullsubject'] = $parser->parse_badwords($thread['subject']);
if(my_strlen($thread['subject']) > 25) { $thread['subject'] = my_substr($thread['subject'], 0, 25) . "..."; }
if(my_strlen($thread['subject']) > 25) { $thread['subject'] = my_substr($thread['subject'], 0, 25) . "..."; }
$thread['subject'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($parser->parse_badwords($thread['subject']));
| $thread['subject'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($thread['subject']); $thread['fullsubject'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($thread['fullsubject']);
$thread['threadlink'] = get_thread_link($thread['tid']); $thread['lastpostlink'] = get_thread_link($thread['tid'], 0, "lastpost");
$thread['threadlink'] = get_thread_link($thread['tid']); $thread['lastpostlink'] = get_thread_link($thread['tid'], 0, "lastpost");
$thread['forumlink'] = get_thread_link($thread['fid']);
| $thread['forumlink'] = get_forum_link($thread['fid']);
$thread['forumname'] = $forum_cache[$thread['fid']]['name']; eval("\$threadlist .= \"".$templates->get("portal_latestthreads_thread")."\";"); $altbg = alt_trow();
| $thread['forumname'] = $forum_cache[$thread['fid']]['name']; eval("\$threadlist .= \"".$templates->get("portal_latestthreads_thread")."\";"); $altbg = alt_trow();
Zeile 421 | Zeile 443 |
$announcementsfids = implode(',', $fid_array);
$announcementsfids = implode(',', $fid_array);
$annfidswhere = " AND t.fid IN (".$announcementsfids.")";
| $annfidswhere = " AND t.fid IN ($announcementsfids)";
} }
| } }
Zeile 433 | Zeile 455 |
$forum[$fid] = $f; } }
$forum[$fid] = $f; } }
$query = $db->simple_select("threads t", "COUNT(t.tid) AS threads", "t.visible='1'{$annfidswhere}{$tunviewwhere} AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'", array('limit' => 1)); $announcementcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "threads");
$numannouncements = (int)$mybb->settings['portal_numannouncements']; if(!$numannouncements)
$query = $db->simple_select("threads t", "COUNT(t.tid) AS threads", "t.visible='1'{$annfidswhere}{$tunviewwhere} AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'", array('limit' => 1)); $announcementcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "threads");
$numannouncements = (int)$mybb->settings['portal_numannouncements']; if(!$numannouncements)
| {
$numannouncements = 10; // Default back to 10 }
$numannouncements = 10; // Default back to 10 }
$page = $mybb->get_input('page', 1);
| $page = $mybb->get_input('page', MyBB::INPUT_INT);
$pages = $announcementcount / $numannouncements; $pages = ceil($pages);
if($page > $pages || $page <= 0)
$pages = $announcementcount / $numannouncements; $pages = ceil($pages);
if($page > $pages || $page <= 0)
{ $page = 1; }
| { $page = 1; }
if($page) { $start = ($page-1) * $numannouncements;
| if($page) { $start = ($page-1) * $numannouncements;
Zeile 462 | Zeile 484 |
$page = 1; }
$page = 1; }
$multipage = multipage($announcementcount, $numannouncements, $page, 'portal.php');
| $multipage = multipage($announcementcount, $numannouncements, $page, $file_name);
$pids = ''; $tids = ''; $comma = '';
| $pids = ''; $tids = ''; $comma = '';
Zeile 478 | Zeile 500 |
LIMIT {$start}, {$numannouncements}" ); while($getid = $db->fetch_array($query))
LIMIT {$start}, {$numannouncements}" ); while($getid = $db->fetch_array($query))
| {
$attachmentcount[$getid['tid']] = $getid['attachmentcount']; foreach($attachmentcount as $tid => $attach_count) { if($attach_count > 0) { $pids .= ",'{$getid['pid']}'";
$attachmentcount[$getid['tid']] = $getid['attachmentcount']; foreach($attachmentcount as $tid => $attach_count) { if($attach_count > 0) { $pids .= ",'{$getid['pid']}'";
| }
$posts[$getid['tid']] = $getid; }
| $posts[$getid['tid']] = $getid; }
Zeile 506 | Zeile 528 |
| {
foreach($forum as $fid => $forumrow) { $forumpermissions[$fid] = forum_permissions($fid);
| foreach($forum as $fid => $forumrow) { $forumpermissions[$fid] = forum_permissions($fid);
Zeile 519 | Zeile 541 |
SELECT t.*, t.username AS threadusername, u.username, u.avatar, u.avatardimensions FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid = t.uid)
SELECT t.*, t.username AS threadusername, u.username, u.avatar, u.avatardimensions FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid = t.uid)
WHERE t.tid IN (0{$tids}){$annfidswhere} AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'
| WHERE t.tid IN (0{$tids}){$annfidswhere}{$tunviewwhere} AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'
ORDER BY t.dateline DESC LIMIT 0, {$numannouncements}" ); while($announcement = $db->fetch_array($query)) { // Make sure we can view this announcement
ORDER BY t.dateline DESC LIMIT 0, {$numannouncements}" ); while($announcement = $db->fetch_array($query)) { // Make sure we can view this announcement
if($forumpermissions[$announcement['fid']]['canview'] == 0 || $forumpermissions[$announcement['fid']]['canviewthreads'] == 0 || (isset($forumpermissions[$announcement['fid']]['canonlyviewownthreads']) && $forumpermissions[$announcement['fid']]['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1 && $announcement['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid']))
| if(isset($forumpermissions[$announcement['fid']]['canonlyviewownthreads']) && $forumpermissions[$announcement['fid']]['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1 && $announcement['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid'])
{ continue;
{ continue;
| }
$announcement['message'] = $posts[$announcement['tid']]['message']; $announcement['pid'] = $posts[$announcement['tid']]['pid'];
| $announcement['message'] = $posts[$announcement['tid']]['message']; $announcement['pid'] = $posts[$announcement['tid']]['pid'];
Zeile 537 | Zeile 559 |
$announcement['threadlink'] = get_thread_link($announcement['tid']); $announcement['forumlink'] = get_forum_link($announcement['fid']); $announcement['forumname'] = $forum_cache[$announcement['fid']]['name'];
$announcement['threadlink'] = get_thread_link($announcement['tid']); $announcement['forumlink'] = get_forum_link($announcement['fid']); $announcement['forumname'] = $forum_cache[$announcement['fid']]['name'];
| $announcement['username'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($announcement['username']); if(!$announcement['uid'] && !$announcement['threadusername']) { $announcement['threadusername'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($lang->guest); } else { $announcement['threadusername'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($announcement['threadusername']); }
if($announcement['uid'] == 0) {
if($announcement['uid'] == 0) {
$profilelink = htmlspecialchars_uni($announcement['threadusername']);
| $profilelink = $announcement['threadusername'];
} else {
| } else {
Zeile 556 | Zeile 587 |
{ $icon = $icon_cache[$announcement['icon']]; $icon['path'] = str_replace("{theme}", $theme['imgdir'], $icon['path']);
{ $icon = $icon_cache[$announcement['icon']]; $icon['path'] = str_replace("{theme}", $theme['imgdir'], $icon['path']);
| $icon['path'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($icon['path']); $icon['name'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($icon['name']);
eval("\$icon = \"".$templates->get("portal_announcement_icon")."\";"); } else
| eval("\$icon = \"".$templates->get("portal_announcement_icon")."\";"); } else
Zeile 563 | Zeile 596 |
$icon = " "; }
$icon = " "; }
$useravatar = format_avatar(htmlspecialchars_uni($announcement['avatar']), $announcement['avatardimensions']);
| $useravatar = format_avatar($announcement['avatar'], $announcement['avatardimensions']);
eval("\$avatar = \"".$templates->get("portal_announcement_avatar")."\";");
$anndate = my_date('relative', $announcement['dateline']);
| eval("\$avatar = \"".$templates->get("portal_announcement_avatar")."\";");
$anndate = my_date('relative', $announcement['dateline']);
Zeile 587 | Zeile 620 |
$parser_options = array(
$parser_options = array(
"allow_html" => $forum[$announcement['fid']]['allowhtml'],
| "allow_html" => $mybb->settings['announcementshtml'] && $forum[$announcement['fid']]['allowhtml'],
"allow_mycode" => $forum[$announcement['fid']]['allowmycode'], "allow_smilies" => $forum[$announcement['fid']]['allowsmilies'], "allow_imgcode" => $forum[$announcement['fid']]['allowimgcode'],
| "allow_mycode" => $forum[$announcement['fid']]['allowmycode'], "allow_smilies" => $forum[$announcement['fid']]['allowsmilies'], "allow_imgcode" => $forum[$announcement['fid']]['allowimgcode'],