Vergleich inc/class_parser.php - 1.8.9 - 1.8.10

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// Take into account the position offset for our last replacement.


// Take into account the position offset for our last replacement.

				$index = substr_count($badword['badword'], '*')+2;

				$badword['badword'] = str_replace('\*', '([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1})', preg_quote($badword['badword'], "#"));

// Ensure we run the replacement enough times but not recursively (i.e. not while(preg_match..))

				$badword['badword'] = str_replace('\*', '([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1})', preg_quote($badword['badword'], "#"));

// Ensure we run the replacement enough times but not recursively (i.e. not while(preg_match..))

				$count = preg_match_all("#(^|\W)".$badword['badword']."(\W|$)#i", $message, $matches);
for($i=0; $i < $count; ++$i)
$message = preg_replace("#(^|\W)".$badword['badword']."(\W|$)#i", "\\1".$badword['replacement'].'\\'.$index, $message);

				$message = preg_replace("#(^|\W)".$badword['badword']."(?=\W|$)#i", '\1'.$badword['replacement'], $message);

