Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/config_warning.lang.php - 1.8.0 - 1.8.9

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$l['error_invalid_warning_level'] = "The specified warning level does not exist.";
$l['error_invalid_warning_percentage'] = "You did not enter a valid percentage value for this warning level. Your percentage value must be between 1 and 100.";
$l['error_invalid_warning_type'] = "The specified warning type does not exist.";

$l['error_invalid_warning_level'] = "The specified warning level does not exist.";
$l['error_invalid_warning_percentage'] = "You did not enter a valid percentage value for this warning level. Your percentage value must be between 1 and 100.";
$l['error_invalid_warning_type'] = "The specified warning type does not exist.";

$l['error_missing_action_type'] = "Please select one of the actions to be taken to assign with this new warning level.";

$l['error_missing_type_title'] = "You did not enter a title for this warning type";
$l['error_missing_type_points'] = "You did not enter a valid number of points to add when giving warnings of this type. You must enter a number greater than 0 but not greater than {1}";

$l['error_missing_type_title'] = "You did not enter a title for this warning type";
$l['error_missing_type_points'] = "You did not enter a valid number of points to add when giving warnings of this type. You must enter a number greater than 0 but not greater than {1}";