Vergleich captcha.php - 1.8.5 - 1.8.6

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Zeile 127Zeile 127
* Draws a random number of lines on the image.

* Draws a random number of lines on the image.

 * @param resource The image.

 * @param resource $im The image.

function draw_lines(&$im)

function draw_lines(&$im)

Zeile 148Zeile 148
* Draws a random number of circles on the image.

* Draws a random number of circles on the image.

 * @param resource The image.

 * @param resource $im The image.

function draw_circles(&$im)

function draw_circles(&$im)

Zeile 169Zeile 169
* Draws a random number of dots on the image.

* Draws a random number of dots on the image.

 * @param resource The image.

 * @param resource $im The image.

function draw_dots(&$im)

function draw_dots(&$im)

Zeile 186Zeile 186
* Draws a random number of squares on the image.

* Draws a random number of squares on the image.

 * @param resource The image.

 * @param resource $im The image.

function draw_squares(&$im)

function draw_squares(&$im)

Zeile 208Zeile 208
* Writes text to the image.

* Writes text to the image.

 * @param resource The image.
* @param string The string to be written

 * @param resource $im The image.
* @param string $string The string to be written
* @return bool False if string is empty, true otherwise

function draw_string(&$im, $string)

function draw_string(&$im, $string)

Zeile 304Zeile 306


	return true;

