Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/user_users.lang.php - 1.8.4 - 1.8.5

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$l['recieve_pms_from_buddy'] = "Only receive private messages from buddy list";
$l['alert_new_pms'] = "Alert with notice when new private message is received";
$l['email_notify_new_pms'] = "Notify by email when new private message is received";

$l['recieve_pms_from_buddy'] = "Only receive private messages from buddy list";
$l['alert_new_pms'] = "Alert with notice when new private message is received";
$l['email_notify_new_pms'] = "Notify by email when new private message is received";

$l['buddy_requests_pm'] = "Receive PM notifications for new buddy requests";
$l['buddy_requests_auto'] = "Automatically accept buddy requests (if the above checkbox is ticked, a PM is sent informing of the new buddy connection)";

$l['default_thread_subscription_mode'] = "Default thread subscription mode";
$l['do_not_subscribe'] = "Do not subscribe";
$l['no_email_notification'] = "No email notification";

$l['default_thread_subscription_mode'] = "Default thread subscription mode";
$l['do_not_subscribe'] = "Do not subscribe";
$l['no_email_notification'] = "No email notification";