Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/global.lang.php - 1.8.2 - 1.8.5

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{2} Staff";

$l['comma'] = ", ";

{2} Staff";

$l['comma'] = ", ";


$l['search_for_a_user'] = "Search for a user";

// If the language string for "Username" is too cramped in the ACP Login box
// then use this to define how much larger you want the gap to be (in px)
// $l['login_field_width'] = "0";

// If the language string for "Username" is too cramped in the ACP Login box
// then use this to define how much larger you want the gap to be (in px)
// $l['login_field_width'] = "0";


$l['my2fa'] = "Two-Factor Authentication";
$l['my2fa_failed'] = "The code was incorrect, you're logged out now";
$l['my2fa_code'] = "Please enter the authentication code";
$l['my2fa_label'] = "Authentication code:";
$l['my2fa_no_codes'] = "Note: you've used all of your recovery codes. Please visit the <a href=\"index.php?module=home-preferences&amp;action=recovery_codes\">recovery codes page</a> to generate a new set.";