Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/tools_system_health.lang.php - 1.6.6 - 1.6.16

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Zeile 2Zeile 2
* MyBB 1.6 English Language Pack
* Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved

* MyBB 1.6 English Language Pack
* Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved

* $Id: tools_system_health.lang.php 5497 2011-07-13 09:06:41Z Tomm $

* $Id$


$l['system_health'] = "System Health";


$l['system_health'] = "System Health";

Zeile 16Zeile 16
$l['converting_to_utf8'] = "MyBB is currently converting \"{1}\" table to UTF-8 language encoding from {2} encoding.";
$l['convert_to_utf8'] = "You are about to convert the \"{1}\" table to UTF-8 language encoding from {2} encoding.";
$l['convert_all_to_utf'] = "You are about to convert ALL tables to UTF-8 language encoding from {1} encoding.";

$l['converting_to_utf8'] = "MyBB is currently converting \"{1}\" table to UTF-8 language encoding from {2} encoding.";
$l['convert_to_utf8'] = "You are about to convert the \"{1}\" table to UTF-8 language encoding from {2} encoding.";
$l['convert_all_to_utf'] = "You are about to convert ALL tables to UTF-8 language encoding from {1} encoding.";

$l['convert_all_to_utf8mb4'] = "You are about to convert ALL tables to 4-Byte UTF-8 Unicode language encoding from {1} encoding.";
$l['converting_to_utf8mb4'] = "MyBB is currently converting \"{1}\" table to 4-Byte UTF-8 Unicode language encoding from {2} encoding.";

$l['please_wait'] = "Please wait...";
$l['converting_table'] = "Converting Table:";
$l['convert_table'] = "Convert Table";

$l['please_wait'] = "Please wait...";
$l['converting_table'] = "Converting Table:";
$l['convert_table'] = "Convert Table";

Zeile 23Zeile 25
$l['convert_database_table'] = "Convert Database Table";
$l['convert_database_tables'] = "Convert All Database Tables";
$l['table'] = "Table";

$l['convert_database_table'] = "Convert Database Table";
$l['convert_database_tables'] = "Convert All Database Tables";
$l['table'] = "Table";

$l['status'] = "Status";

$l['status_utf8'] = "UTF-8 Status";
$l['status_utf8mb4'] = "4-Byte UTF-8 Support<br />(requires MySQL 5.5.3 or above)";
$l['not_available'] = "Not available";
$l['all_tables'] = "All Tables";

$l['convert_now'] = "Convert Now";
$l['totals'] = "Totals";
$l['attachments'] = "Attachments";

$l['convert_now'] = "Convert Now";
$l['totals'] = "Totals";
$l['attachments'] = "Attachments";

Zeile 37Zeile 42
$l['task'] = "Task";
$l['run_time'] = "Run Time";
$l['next_3_tasks'] = "Next 3 Tasks";

$l['task'] = "Task";
$l['run_time'] = "Run Time";
$l['next_3_tasks'] = "Next 3 Tasks";

$l['no_tasks'] = "There are no tasks running at this time.";

$l['backup_time'] = "Backup Time";
$l['no_backups'] = "There are currently no backups made yet.";
$l['existing_db_backups'] = "Existing Database Backups";

$l['backup_time'] = "Backup Time";
$l['no_backups'] = "There are currently no backups made yet.";
$l['existing_db_backups'] = "Existing Database Backups";

Zeile 56Zeile 62
$l['themes_dir'] = "Themes Directory";
$l['chmod_files_and_dirs'] = "CHMOD Files and Directories";

$l['themes_dir'] = "Themes Directory";
$l['chmod_files_and_dirs'] = "CHMOD Files and Directories";

$l['notice_process_long_time'] = "This process may take up to several hours depending on the size of your forum and this table.";

$l['notice_process_long_time'] = "This process may take up to several hours depending on the size of your forum and this table. <strong>It is highly recommend to create a database backup as this process can't be undone.</strong>";
$l['notice_mb4_warning'] = "4-Byte UTF-8 Support requires MySQL 5.5.3 or above. You will not be able to import your database on a MySQL server with another version.";

$l['check_templates'] = "Check Templates";
$l['check_templates_desc'] = "Checks all installed templates for known security issues.";

$l['check_templates'] = "Check Templates";
$l['check_templates_desc'] = "Checks all installed templates for known security issues.";

Zeile 68Zeile 75

$l['error_chmod'] = "of the required files and directories do not have proper CHMOD settings.";
$l['error_invalid_table'] = "The specified table does not exist.";

$l['error_chmod'] = "of the required files and directories do not have proper CHMOD settings.";
$l['error_invalid_table'] = "The specified table does not exist.";

$l['error_db_encoding_not_set'] = "Your current setup of MyBB is not setup to use this tool yet. Please see <a href=\"\">the wiki</a> for more information on how to set it up.";

$l['error_db_encoding_not_set'] = "Your current setup of MyBB is not setup to use this tool yet. Please see the <a href=\"\">MyBB Docs</a> for more information on how to set it up.";

$l['error_not_supported'] = "Your current Database Engine is not supported by the UTF-8 Conversion Tool.";
$l['error_invalid_input'] = "There was a problem checking the templates. Please try again or contact the MyBB Group for support.";
$l['error_master_templates_altered'] = "The Master Templates have been altered. Please contact the MyBB Group for support on how to alter these.";

$l['error_not_supported'] = "Your current Database Engine is not supported by the UTF-8 Conversion Tool.";
$l['error_invalid_input'] = "There was a problem checking the templates. Please try again or contact the MyBB Group for support.";
$l['error_master_templates_altered'] = "The Master Templates have been altered. Please contact the MyBB Group for support on how to alter these.";

$l['error_utf8mb4_version'] = "Your MySQL version doesn't support 4-Byte UTF-8 encoding.";

$l['warning_multiple_encodings'] = "It is recommend not to use different encodings in your database. This may cause unexpected behavior or MySQL errors.";
$l['warning_utf8mb4_config'] = "For full 4-Byte UTF-8 support you need to change <i>\$config['database']['encoding'] = 'utf8';</i> to <i>\$config['database']['encoding'] = 'utf8mb4';</i> in your inc/config.php.";

$l['success_templates_checked'] = "Templates checked successfully - no security issues were found!";
$l['success_all_tables_already_converted'] = "All tables have already been converted or are already in UTF-8 format.";

$l['success_templates_checked'] = "Templates checked successfully - no security issues were found!";
$l['success_all_tables_already_converted'] = "All tables have already been converted or are already in UTF-8 format.";