Vergleich archive/global.php - 1.6.9 - 1.6.11

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// If the server OS is not Windows and not Apache or the PHP is running as a CGI or we have defined ARCHIVE_QUERY_STRINGS, use query strings - DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR checks if running windows


// If the server OS is not Windows and not Apache or the PHP is running as a CGI or we have defined ARCHIVE_QUERY_STRINGS, use query strings - DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR checks if running windows

//if((DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '\\' && stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'apache') == false) || stripos(SAPI_NAME, 'cgi') !== false || defined("ARCHIVE_QUERY_STRINGS"))

// if((DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\' && stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'apache') == false) || strstr(php_sapi_name(),'cgi') || defined("ARCHIVE_QUERY_STRINGS"))

// - remove automatic detection and rely on users to set the right option here
if($mybb->settings['seourls_archive'] == 1)

// - remove automatic detection and rely on users to set the right option here
if($mybb->settings['seourls_archive'] == 1)