Vergleich inc/functions_forumlist.php - 1.6.6 - 1.6.10

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Zeile 6Zeile 6
 * Website:
* License:

 * Website:
* License:

 * $Id: functions_forumlist.php 5623 2011-10-01 02:46:09Z ralgith $

 * $Id$





Zeile 18Zeile 18
function build_forumbits($pid=0, $depth=1)

function build_forumbits($pid=0, $depth=1)

	global $fcache, $moderatorcache, $forumpermissions, $theme, $mybb, $templates, $bgcolor, $collapsed, $lang, $showdepth, $plugins, $parser, $forum_viewers;

	global $db, $fcache, $moderatorcache, $forumpermissions, $theme, $mybb, $templates, $bgcolor, $collapsed, $lang, $showdepth, $plugins, $parser, $forum_viewers;
static $private_forums;

$forum_listing = '';

// If no forums exist with this parent, do nothing

$forum_listing = '';

// If no forums exist with this parent, do nothing


	if(empty($fcache[$pid]) || !is_array($fcache[$pid]))




$parent_counters['threads'] = 0;
$parent_counters['posts'] = 0;
$parent_counters['unapprovedposts'] = 0;
$parent_counters['unapprovedthreads'] = 0;
$parent_counters['viewers'] = 0;
$forum_list = '';

// Foreach of the forums in this parent
foreach($fcache[$pid] as $parent)
foreach($parent as $forum)

// Foreach of the forums in this parent
foreach($fcache[$pid] as $parent)
foreach($parent as $forum)

			$forums = $subforums = $sub_forums = '';
$lastpost_data = '';
$counters = '';

			$subforums = $sub_forums = '';
$lastpost_data = array(
'lastpost' => 0

			$forum_viewers_text = '';
$forum_viewers_text_plain = '';

// Get the permissions for this forum
$permissions = $forumpermissions[$forum['fid']];

			$forum_viewers_text = '';
$forum_viewers_text_plain = '';

// Get the permissions for this forum
$permissions = $forumpermissions[$forum['fid']];

			// If this user doesnt have permission to view this forum and we're hiding private forums, skip this forum
if($permissions['canview'] != 1 && $mybb->settings['hideprivateforums'] == 1)

			// If this user doesnt have permission to view this forum and we're hiding private forums, skip this forum
if($permissions['canview'] != 1 && $mybb->settings['hideprivateforums'] == 1)

Zeile 54Zeile 63
			$forum_url = get_forum_link($forum['fid']);

// This forum has a password, and the user isn't authenticated with it - hide post information

			$forum_url = get_forum_link($forum['fid']);

// This forum has a password, and the user isn't authenticated with it - hide post information

			$hideinfo = false;

			$hideinfo = $hidecounters = false;

			$hidelastpostinfo = false;
$showlockicon = 0;

			$hidelastpostinfo = false;
$showlockicon = 0;

			if($permissions['canviewthreads'] != 1)
$hideinfo = true;

if($permissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1)

			if(isset($permissions['canviewthreads']) && $permissions['canviewthreads'] != 1)



				$hideinfo = true;
$hidelastpostinfo = true;

			    $hideinfo = true;

if(isset($permissions['canonlyviewownthreads']) && $permissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1)
$hidecounters = true;

// If we only see our own threads, find out if there's a new post in one of them so the lightbulb shows
$private_forums = $fids = array();
foreach($fcache as $fcache_p)
foreach($fcache_p as $parent_p)
foreach($parent_p as $forum_p)
$fids[] = $forum_p['fid'];

$fids = implode(',', $fids);
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "tid, fid, subject, lastpost, lastposter, lastposteruid", "uid = '{$mybb->user['uid']}' AND fid IN ({$fids})", array("order_by" => "lastpost", "order_dir" => "desc"));

while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
$private_forums[$thread['fid']] = $thread;

$forum['lastpost'] = $private_forums[$forum['fid']]['lastpost'];

$lastpost_data = array(
"lastpost" => $private_forums[$forum['fid']]['lastpost'],
"lastpostsubject" => $private_forums[$forum['fid']]['subject'],
"lastposter" => $private_forums[$forum['fid']]['lastposter'],
"lastposttid" => $private_forums[$forum['fid']]['tid'],
"lastposteruid" => $private_forums[$forum['fid']]['lastposteruid']
$lastpost_data = array(
"lastpost" => $forum['lastpost'],
"lastpostsubject" => $forum['lastpostsubject'],
"lastposter" => $forum['lastposter'],
"lastposttid" => $forum['lastposttid'],
"lastposteruid" => $forum['lastposteruid']


if($forum['password'] != '' && $mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$forum['fid']] != md5($mybb->user['uid'].$forum['password']))


if($forum['password'] != '' && $mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$forum['fid']] != md5($mybb->user['uid'].$forum['password']))



			    $hideinfo = true;
$showlockicon = 1;

			    $hideinfo = true;
$showlockicon = 1;

$lastpost_data = array(
"lastpost" => $forum['lastpost'],
"lastpostsubject" => $forum['lastpostsubject'],
"lastposter" => $forum['lastposter'],
"lastposttid" => $forum['lastposttid'],
"lastposteruid" => $forum['lastposteruid']

			// Fetch subforums of this forum
$forum_info = build_forumbits($forum['fid'], $depth+1);

			// Fetch subforums of this forum
$forum_info = build_forumbits($forum['fid'], $depth+1);

				// Increment forum counters with counters from child forums
$forum['threads'] += $forum_info['counters']['threads'];
$forum['posts'] += $forum_info['counters']['posts'];
$forum['unapprovedthreads'] += $forum_info['counters']['unapprovedthreads'];
$forum['unapprovedposts'] += $forum_info['counters']['unapprovedposts'];

				// Increment forum counters with counters from child forums
$forum['threads'] += $forum_info['counters']['threads'];
$forum['posts'] += $forum_info['counters']['posts'];
$forum['unapprovedthreads'] += $forum_info['counters']['unapprovedthreads'];
$forum['unapprovedposts'] += $forum_info['counters']['unapprovedposts'];

				$forum['viewers'] += $forum_info['counters']['viewing'];

$forum['viewers'] += $forum_info['counters']['viewing'];

// If the child forums' lastpost is greater than the one for this forum, set it as the child forums greatest.
if($forum_info['lastpost']['lastpost'] > $lastpost_data['lastpost'])

// If the child forums' lastpost is greater than the one for this forum, set it as the child forums greatest.
if($forum_info['lastpost']['lastpost'] > $lastpost_data['lastpost'])

Zeile 116Zeile 176

// If we are hiding information (lastpost) because we aren't authenticated against the password for this forum, remove them


// If we are hiding information (lastpost) because we aren't authenticated against the password for this forum, remove them

			if($hideinfo == true || $hidelastpostinfo == true)

			if($hidelastpostinfo == true)




				$lastpost_data = array(
'lastpost' => 0


// If the current forums lastpost is greater than other child forums of the current parent, overwrite it


// If the current forums lastpost is greater than other child forums of the current parent, overwrite it

			if($lastpost_data['lastpost'] > $parent_lastpost['lastpost'])

			if(!isset($parent_lastpost) || $lastpost_data['lastpost'] > $parent_lastpost['lastpost'])

$parent_lastpost = $lastpost_data;

$parent_lastpost = $lastpost_data;

			if(is_array($forum_viewers) && $forum_viewers[$forum['fid']] > 0)

			if(is_array($forum_viewers) && isset($forum_viewers[$forum['fid']]) && $forum_viewers[$forum['fid']] > 0)

$forum['viewers'] = $forum_viewers[$forum['fid']];

// Increment the counters for the parent forum (returned later)

$forum['viewers'] = $forum_viewers[$forum['fid']];

// Increment the counters for the parent forum (returned later)

			if($hideinfo != true)

			if($hideinfo != true && $hidecounters != true)

$parent_counters['threads'] += $forum['threads'];
$parent_counters['posts'] += $forum['posts'];
$parent_counters['unapprovedposts'] += $forum['unapprovedposts'];
$parent_counters['unapprovedthreads'] += $forum['unapprovedthreads'];

$parent_counters['threads'] += $forum['threads'];
$parent_counters['posts'] += $forum['posts'];
$parent_counters['unapprovedposts'] += $forum['unapprovedposts'];
$parent_counters['unapprovedthreads'] += $forum['unapprovedthreads'];

				$parent_counters['viewers'] += $forum['viewers'];

$parent_counters['viewers'] += $forum['viewers'];


// Done with our math, lets talk about displaying - only display forums which are under a certain depth
if($depth > $showdepth)


// Done with our math, lets talk about displaying - only display forums which are under a certain depth
if($depth > $showdepth)







			// Get the lightbulb status indicator for this forum based on the lastpost
$lightbulb = get_forum_lightbulb($forum, $lastpost_data, $showlockicon);

			// Get the lightbulb status indicator for this forum based on the lastpost
$lightbulb = get_forum_lightbulb($forum, $lastpost_data, $showlockicon);

Zeile 157Zeile 223
			if($hideinfo == true)

			if($hideinfo == true)



			// Sanitize name and description of forum.
$forum['name'] = preg_replace("#&(?!\#[0-9]+;)#si", "&", $forum['name']); // Fix & but allow unicode
$forum['description'] = preg_replace("#&(?!\#[0-9]+;)#si", "&", $forum['description']); // Fix & but allow unicode

			// Sanitize name and description of forum.
$forum['name'] = preg_replace("#&(?!\#[0-9]+;)#si", "&", $forum['name']); // Fix & but allow unicode
$forum['description'] = preg_replace("#&(?!\#[0-9]+;)#si", "&", $forum['description']); // Fix & but allow unicode

Zeile 214Zeile 280

if($forum['linkto'] == '')


if($forum['linkto'] == '')



				// No posts have been made in this forum - show never text
if(($lastpost_data['lastpost'] == 0 || $lastpost_data['lastposter'] == '') && $hideinfo != true)

				// No posts have been made in this forum - show never text
if(($lastpost_data['lastpost'] == 0 || $lastpost_data['lastposter'] == '') && $hideinfo != true)



					$lastpost = "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">{$lang->lastpost_never}</div>";
elseif($hideinfo != true)

					$lastpost = "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">{$lang->lastpost_never}</div>";
elseif($hideinfo != true)

Zeile 241Zeile 307
					if($depth != 1)
eval("\$lastpost = \"".$templates->get("forumbit_depth{$depth}_forum_lastpost")."\";");

					if($depth != 1)
eval("\$lastpost = \"".$templates->get("forumbit_depth{$depth}_forum_lastpost")."\";");



if($mybb->settings['showforumviewing'] != 0 && $forum['viewers'] > 0)
if($forum['viewers'] == 1)
$forum_viewers_text = $lang->viewing_one;

if($mybb->settings['showforumviewing'] != 0 && $forum['viewers'] > 0)
if($forum['viewers'] == 1)
$forum_viewers_text = $lang->viewing_one;



$forum_viewers_text = $lang->sprintf($lang->viewing_multiple, $forum['viewers']);

$forum_viewers_text = $lang->sprintf($lang->viewing_multiple, $forum['viewers']);

Zeile 257Zeile 323
					$forum_viewers_text_plain = $forum_viewers_text;
$forum_viewers_text = "<span class=\"smalltext\">{$forum_viewers_text}</span>";

					$forum_viewers_text_plain = $forum_viewers_text;
$forum_viewers_text = "<span class=\"smalltext\">{$forum_viewers_text}</span>";

// If this forum is a link or is password protected and the user isn't authenticated, set lastpost and counters to "-"
if($forum['linkto'] != '' || $hideinfo == true)
$lastpost = "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">-</div>";

// If this forum is a link or is password protected and the user isn't authenticated, set counters to "-"
if($forum['linkto'] != '' || $hideinfo == true || $hidecounters == true)

				$posts = "-";
$threads = "-";
// Otherwise, format thread and post counts

				$posts = "-";
$threads = "-";
// Otherwise, format thread and post counts

// If we're only hiding the last post information
if($hidelastpostinfo == true)
$lastpost = "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">-</div>";


				$posts = my_number_format($forum['posts']);
$threads = my_number_format($forum['threads']);

				$posts = my_number_format($forum['posts']);
$threads = my_number_format($forum['threads']);


// If this forum is a link or is password protected and the user isn't authenticated, set lastpost to "-"
if($forum['linkto'] != '' || $hideinfo == true || $hidelastpostinfo == true)
$lastpost = "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">-</div>";


// Moderator column is not off


// Moderator column is not off

Zeile 392Zeile 457
// Fetch the last read date for this forum

// Fetch the last read date for this forum



$forum_read = $forum['lastread'];

$forum_read = $forum['lastread'];



// We've hit the read all forums as a guest, so use the lastvisit of the user
$forum_read = $mybb->cookies['mybb']['lastvisit'];

// We've hit the read all forums as a guest, so use the lastvisit of the user
$forum_read = $mybb->cookies['mybb']['lastvisit'];