Zeile 3 | Zeile 3 |
* MyBB 1.6 English Language Pack * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved *
* MyBB 1.6 English Language Pack * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved *
* $Id: member.lang.php 5380 2011-02-21 12:04:43Z Tomm $
| * $Id$
$l['nav_register'] = "Register";
| */
$l['nav_register'] = "Register";
Zeile 35 | Zeile 35 |
$l['lost_pw'] = "Lost Account Password"; $l['lost_pw_form'] = "Lost Password Recovery Form"; $l['email_address'] = "Email Address:";
$l['lost_pw'] = "Lost Account Password"; $l['lost_pw_form'] = "Lost Password Recovery Form"; $l['email_address'] = "Email Address:";
$l['request_user_pass'] = "Request Username / Password";
| $l['request_user_pass'] = "Request Login Credentials";
$l['profile'] = "Profile of {1}"; $l['registration_date'] = "Registration Date:"; $l['date_of_birth'] = "Date of Birth:";
| $l['profile'] = "Profile of {1}"; $l['registration_date'] = "Registration Date:"; $l['date_of_birth'] = "Date of Birth:";
Zeile 111 | Zeile 111 |
$l['birthdayprivacyall'] = "Display Age and Date of Birth"; $l['birthdayprivacynone'] = "Hide Age and Date of Birth"; $l['birthdayprivacyage'] = "Display Only Age";
$l['birthdayprivacyall'] = "Display Age and Date of Birth"; $l['birthdayprivacynone'] = "Hide Age and Date of Birth"; $l['birthdayprivacyage'] = "Display Only Age";
| $l['leave_this_field_empty'] = "Leave this field empty:";
$l['error_need_to_be_thirteen'] = "You need to be of thirteen years or older to register on this forum."; $l['coppa_registration'] = "COPPA Registration Form"; $l['coppa_form_instructions'] = "Please print this form, fill it in and either fax it to the number below or mail it to the provided mailing address.";
| $l['error_need_to_be_thirteen'] = "You need to be of thirteen years or older to register on this forum."; $l['coppa_registration'] = "COPPA Registration Form"; $l['coppa_form_instructions'] = "Please print this form, fill it in and either fax it to the number below or mail it to the provided mailing address.";
Zeile 146 | Zeile 147 |
$l['reset_password'] = "Reset Password"; $l['send_password'] = "Send New Password!"; $l['image_verification'] = "Image Verification";
$l['reset_password'] = "Reset Password"; $l['send_password'] = "Send New Password!"; $l['image_verification'] = "Image Verification";
$l['verification_note'] = "Please enter the text contained within the image on the right in to the text box below it. This process is used to prevent automated signups.";
| $l['verification_note'] = "Please enter the text contained within the image into the text box below it. This process is used to prevent automated signups.";
$l['verification_subnote'] = "(case insensitive)"; $l['registration_errors'] = "The following errors occurred with your registration:"; $l['timeonline'] = "Time Spent Online:";
| $l['verification_subnote'] = "(case insensitive)"; $l['registration_errors'] = "The following errors occurred with your registration:"; $l['timeonline'] = "Time Spent Online:";
Zeile 194 | Zeile 195 |
$l['error_notloggedout'] = "Your user ID could not be verified to log you out. This may have been because a malicious Javascript was attempting to log you out automatically. If you intended to log out, please click the Log Out button at the top menu."; $l['error_regimageinvalid'] = "The image verification code that you entered was incorrect. Please enter the code exactly how it appears in the image."; $l['error_regimagerequired'] = "Please fill out the image verification code to continue the login process. Please enter the code exactly how it appears in the image.";
$l['error_notloggedout'] = "Your user ID could not be verified to log you out. This may have been because a malicious Javascript was attempting to log you out automatically. If you intended to log out, please click the Log Out button at the top menu."; $l['error_regimageinvalid'] = "The image verification code that you entered was incorrect. Please enter the code exactly how it appears in the image."; $l['error_regimagerequired'] = "Please fill out the image verification code to continue the login process. Please enter the code exactly how it appears in the image.";
| $l['error_spam_deny'] = "Our systems detect that you may be a spammer and therefore you have been denied registration. If you feel this is a mistake, please contact the Administrator.";
$l['js_validator_no_username'] = "You must enter a username"; $l['js_validator_invalid_email'] = "You need to enter a valid email address";
| $l['js_validator_no_username'] = "You must enter a username"; $l['js_validator_invalid_email'] = "You need to enter a valid email address";