Zeile 6 | Zeile 6 |
* Website: http://mybb.com * License: http://mybb.com/about/license *
* Website: http://mybb.com * License: http://mybb.com/about/license *
* $Id: showthread.php 5448 2011-04-16 16:42:29Z Tomm $
| * $Id: showthread.php 5639 2011-10-26 09:16:47Z Tomm $
define("IN_MYBB", 1);
| */
define("IN_MYBB", 1);
Zeile 17 | Zeile 17 |
$templatelist .= ",postbit_editedby,showthread_similarthreads,showthread_similarthreads_bit,postbit_iplogged_show,postbit_iplogged_hiden,showthread_quickreply"; $templatelist .= ",forumjump_advanced,forumjump_special,forumjump_bit,showthread_multipage,postbit_reputation,postbit_quickdelete,postbit_attachments,thumbnails_thumbnail,postbit_attachments_attachment,postbit_attachments_thumbnails,postbit_attachments_images_image,postbit_attachments_images,postbit_posturl,postbit_rep_button"; $templatelist .= ",postbit_inlinecheck,showthread_inlinemoderation,postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail,postbit_quickquote,postbit_qqmessage,postbit_ignored,postbit_groupimage,postbit_multiquote,showthread_search,postbit_warn,postbit_warninglevel,showthread_moderationoptions_custom_tool,showthread_moderationoptions_custom,showthread_inlinemoderation_custom_tool,showthread_inlinemoderation_custom,postbit_classic,showthread_classic_header,showthread_poll_resultbit,showthread_poll_results";
$templatelist .= ",postbit_editedby,showthread_similarthreads,showthread_similarthreads_bit,postbit_iplogged_show,postbit_iplogged_hiden,showthread_quickreply"; $templatelist .= ",forumjump_advanced,forumjump_special,forumjump_bit,showthread_multipage,postbit_reputation,postbit_quickdelete,postbit_attachments,thumbnails_thumbnail,postbit_attachments_attachment,postbit_attachments_thumbnails,postbit_attachments_images_image,postbit_attachments_images,postbit_posturl,postbit_rep_button"; $templatelist .= ",postbit_inlinecheck,showthread_inlinemoderation,postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail,postbit_quickquote,postbit_qqmessage,postbit_ignored,postbit_groupimage,postbit_multiquote,showthread_search,postbit_warn,postbit_warninglevel,showthread_moderationoptions_custom_tool,showthread_moderationoptions_custom,showthread_inlinemoderation_custom_tool,showthread_inlinemoderation_custom,postbit_classic,showthread_classic_header,showthread_poll_resultbit,showthread_poll_results";
$templatelist .= ",showthread_usersbrowsing,showthread_usersbrowsing_user";
| $templatelist .= ",showthread_usersbrowsing,showthread_usersbrowsing_user,multipage_page_link_current,multipage_breadcrumb";
require_once "./global.php"; require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_post.php";
| require_once "./global.php"; require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_post.php";
Zeile 56 | Zeile 56 |
$thread['displayprefix'] = ''; if($thread['prefix'] != 0) {
$thread['displayprefix'] = ''; if($thread['prefix'] != 0) {
$query = $db->simple_select('threadprefixes', 'prefix, displaystyle', "pid='{$thread['prefix']}'"); $threadprefix = $db->fetch_array($query); $thread['threadprefix'] = $threadprefix['prefix'].' '; $thread['displayprefix'] = $threadprefix['displaystyle'].' '; }
| $threadprefix = build_prefixes($thread['prefix']);
if($threadprefix['prefix']) { $thread['threadprefix'] = $threadprefix['prefix'].' '; $thread['displayprefix'] = $threadprefix['displaystyle'].' '; } }
if(substr($thread['closed'], 0, 6) == "moved|")
if(substr($thread['closed'], 0, 6) == "moved|")
| {
$thread['tid'] = 0; }
| $thread['tid'] = 0; }
Zeile 75 | Zeile 77 |
if(!$thread['username']) { $thread['username'] = $lang->guest;
if(!$thread['username']) { $thread['username'] = $lang->guest;
$visibleonly = "AND visible='1'";
| }
$visibleonly = "AND visible='1'";
// Is the currently logged in user a moderator of this forum? if(is_moderator($fid))
// Is the currently logged in user a moderator of this forum? if(is_moderator($fid))
| {
$visibleonly = " AND (visible='1' OR visible='0')"; $ismod = true; } else
$visibleonly = " AND (visible='1' OR visible='0')"; $ismod = true; } else
| {
$ismod = false;
$ismod = false;
| }
// Make sure we are looking at a real thread here. if(!$thread['tid'] || ($thread['visible'] == 0 && $ismod == false) || ($thread['visible'] > 1 && $ismod == true)) { error($lang->error_invalidthread);
$forumpermissions = forum_permissions($thread['fid']);
| }
$forumpermissions = forum_permissions($thread['fid']);
Zeile 101 | Zeile 109 |
if($forumpermissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1 && $thread['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid']) { error_no_permission();
if($forumpermissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1 && $thread['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid']) { error_no_permission();
// Make sure we are looking at a real thread here. if(!$thread['tid'] || ($thread['visible'] == 0 && $ismod == false) || ($thread['visible'] > 1 && $ismod == true)) { error($lang->error_invalidthread); }
$archive_url = build_archive_link("thread", $tid);
| }
$archive_url = build_archive_link("thread", $tid);
// Does the thread belong to a valid forum? $forum = get_forum($fid); if(!$forum || $forum['type'] != "f") {
// Does the thread belong to a valid forum? $forum = get_forum($fid); if(!$forum || $forum['type'] != "f") {
error($lang->error_invalidforum); }
// How many pages are there? if(!$mybb->settings['threadsperpage']) { $mybb->settings['threadsperpage'] = 20; }
$query = $db->simple_select("forums", "threads, unapprovedthreads", "fid = '{$fid}'", array('limit' => 1)); $forum_threads = $db->fetch_array($query); $threadcount = $forum_threads['threads']; if($ismod == true) { $threadcount += $forum_threads['unapprovedthreads']; }
// Limit to only our own threads $uid_only = ''; if($forumpermissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1) { $uid_only = " AND uid = '".$mybb->user['uid']."'";
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "COUNT(tid) AS threads", "fid = '$fid' $visibleonly $uid_only", array('limit' => 1)); $threadcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "threads"); }
// If we have 0 threads double check there aren't any "moved" threads if($threadcount == 0) { $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "COUNT(tid) AS threads", "fid = '$fid' $visibleonly $uid_only", array('limit' => 1)); $threadcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "threads"); }
$stickybit = " OR sticky=1"; if($thread['sticky'] == 1) { $stickybit = " AND sticky=1"; }
// Figure out what page the thread is actually on switch($db->type) { case "pgsql": $query = $db->query(" SELECT COUNT(tid) as threads FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads WHERE fid = '$fid' AND (lastpost >= '".intval($thread['lastpost'])."'{$stickybit}) {$visibleonly} {$uid_only} GROUP BY lastpost ORDER BY lastpost DESC "); break; default: $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "COUNT(tid) as threads", "fid = '$fid' AND (lastpost >= '".intval($thread['lastpost'])."'{$stickybit}) {$visibleonly} {$uid_only}", array('order_by' => 'lastpost', 'order_dir' => 'desc'));
| error($lang->error_invalidforum); }
// Forumdisplay cache $forum_stats = $cache->read("forumsdisplay");
if(!is_array($forum_stats)) { // Attempt to rebuild it? $forum_stats = $cache->read("forumdisplay", true);
if(!is_array($forum_stats)) { $forum_stats = array(); } }
$breadcrumb_multipage = array(); if($mybb->settings['showforumpagesbreadcrumb']) { // How many pages are there? if(!$mybb->settings['threadsperpage']) { $mybb->settings['threadsperpage'] = 20; }
$query = $db->simple_select("forums", "threads, unapprovedthreads", "fid = '{$fid}'", array('limit' => 1)); $forum_threads = $db->fetch_array($query); $threadcount = $forum_threads['threads'];
if($ismod == true) { $threadcount += $forum_threads['unapprovedthreads']; }
// Limit to only our own threads $uid_only = ''; if($forumpermissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1) { $uid_only = " AND uid = '".$mybb->user['uid']."'";
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "COUNT(tid) AS threads", "fid = '$fid' $visibleonly $uid_only", array('limit' => 1)); $threadcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "threads"); }
// If we have 0 threads double check there aren't any "moved" threads if($threadcount == 0) { $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "COUNT(tid) AS threads", "fid = '$fid' $visibleonly $uid_only", array('limit' => 1)); $threadcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "threads"); }
$stickybit = " OR sticky=1"; if($thread['sticky'] == 1) { $stickybit = " AND sticky=1"; }
// Figure out what page the thread is actually on switch($db->type) { case "pgsql": $query = $db->query(" SELECT COUNT(tid) as threads FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads WHERE fid = '$fid' AND (lastpost >= '".intval($thread['lastpost'])."'{$stickybit}) {$visibleonly} {$uid_only} GROUP BY lastpost ORDER BY lastpost DESC "); break; default: $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "COUNT(tid) as threads", "fid = '$fid' AND (lastpost >= '".intval($thread['lastpost'])."'{$stickybit}) {$visibleonly} {$uid_only}", array('order_by' => 'lastpost', 'order_dir' => 'desc')); }
$thread_position = $db->fetch_field($query, "threads"); $thread_page = ceil(($thread_position/$mybb->settings['threadsperpage']));
$breadcrumb_multipage = array( "num_threads" => $threadcount, "current_page" => $thread_page );
$thread_position = $db->fetch_field($query, "threads"); $thread_page = ceil(($thread_position/$mybb->settings['threadsperpage']));
| |
// Build the navigation.
// Build the navigation.
build_forum_breadcrumb($fid, array('num_threads' => $threadcount, 'current_page' => $thread_page)); add_breadcrumb($thread['displayprefix'].$thread['subject'], get_thread_link($thread['tid']));
| build_forum_breadcrumb($fid, $breadcrumb_multipage); add_breadcrumb($thread['displayprefix'].$thread['subject'], get_thread_link($thread['tid']));
// Check if this forum is password protected and we have a valid password check_forum_password($forum['fid']);
| // Check if this forum is password protected and we have a valid password check_forum_password($forum['fid']);
Zeile 223 | Zeile 249 |
{ // Set $lastread to zero to make sure 'lastpost' is invoked in the last IF $lastread = 0;
{ // Set $lastread to zero to make sure 'lastpost' is invoked in the last IF $lastread = 0;
} }
| } }
} if(!$lastread) { $readcookie = $threadread = intval(my_get_array_cookie("threadread", $thread['tid'])); if($readcookie > $forum_read)
} if(!$lastread) { $readcookie = $threadread = intval(my_get_array_cookie("threadread", $thread['tid'])); if($readcookie > $forum_read)
| {
$lastread = $readcookie; } else { $lastread = $forum_read;
$lastread = $readcookie; } else { $lastread = $forum_read;
} } if($cutoff && $lastread < $cutoff) { $lastread = $cutoff;
| }
| if($cutoff && $lastread < $cutoff) { $lastread = $cutoff; }
// Next, find the proper pid to link to. $options = array(
| // Next, find the proper pid to link to. $options = array(
Zeile 309 | Zeile 335 |
header("Location: ".htmlspecialchars_decode(get_post_link($pid, $tid))."#pid{$pid}"); exit; }
header("Location: ".htmlspecialchars_decode(get_post_link($pid, $tid))."#pid{$pid}"); exit; }
// Jump to the next newest posts. if($mybb->input['action'] == "nextnewest") {
| // Jump to the next newest posts. if($mybb->input['action'] == "nextnewest") {
Zeile 337 | Zeile 363 |
// Redirect to the proper page. $pid = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid"); header("Location: ".htmlspecialchars_decode(get_post_link($pid, $nextthread['tid']))."#pid{$pid}");
// Redirect to the proper page. $pid = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid"); header("Location: ".htmlspecialchars_decode(get_post_link($pid, $nextthread['tid']))."#pid{$pid}");
| exit;
// Jump to the next oldest posts.
| }
// Jump to the next oldest posts.
Zeile 367 | Zeile 394 |
// Redirect to the proper page. $pid = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid"); header("Location: ".htmlspecialchars_decode(get_post_link($pid, $nextthread['tid']))."#pid{$pid}");
// Redirect to the proper page. $pid = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid"); header("Location: ".htmlspecialchars_decode(get_post_link($pid, $nextthread['tid']))."#pid{$pid}");
| exit; }
| {
$pid = $mybb->input['pid']; }
$pid = $mybb->input['pid']; }
// Show the entire thread (taking into account pagination). if($mybb->input['action'] == "thread") { if($thread['firstpost'] == 0)
// Show the entire thread (taking into account pagination). if($mybb->input['action'] == "thread") { if($thread['firstpost'] == 0)
| {
update_first_post($tid); }
| update_first_post($tid); }
Zeile 395 | Zeile 423 |
$poll['timeout'] = $poll['timeout']*60*60*24; $expiretime = $poll['dateline'] + $poll['timeout']; $now = TIME_NOW;
$poll['timeout'] = $poll['timeout']*60*60*24; $expiretime = $poll['dateline'] + $poll['timeout']; $now = TIME_NOW;
// If the poll or the thread is closed or if the poll is expired, show the results. if($poll['closed'] == 1 || $thread['closed'] == 1 || ($expiretime < $now && $poll['timeout'] > 0))
// If the poll or the thread is closed or if the poll is expired, show the results. if($poll['closed'] == 1 || $thread['closed'] == 1 || ($expiretime < $now && $poll['timeout'] > 0))
| {
$showresults = 1; }
| $showresults = 1; }
Zeile 410 | Zeile 438 |
{ $alreadyvoted = 1; $votedfor[$votecheck['voteoption']] = 1;
{ $alreadyvoted = 1; $votedfor[$votecheck['voteoption']] = 1;
} }
| } }
else { if(isset($mybb->cookies['pollvotes'][$poll['pid']]) && $mybb->cookies['pollvotes'][$poll['pid']] !== "")
| else { if(isset($mybb->cookies['pollvotes'][$poll['pid']]) && $mybb->cookies['pollvotes'][$poll['pid']] !== "")
Zeile 424 | Zeile 452 |
$poll['question'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($poll['question']); $polloptions = ''; $totalvotes = 0;
$poll['question'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($poll['question']); $polloptions = ''; $totalvotes = 0;
for($i = 1; $i <= $poll['numoptions']; ++$i) { $poll['totvotes'] = $poll['totvotes'] + $votesarray[$i-1];
| for($i = 1; $i <= $poll['numoptions']; ++$i) { $poll['totvotes'] = $poll['totvotes'] + $votesarray[$i-1];
Zeile 453 | Zeile 481 |
{ $optionbg = "trow2"; $votestar = "*";
{ $optionbg = "trow2"; $votestar = "*";
} else
| } else
{ $optionbg = "trow1"; $votestar = "";
| { $optionbg = "trow1"; $votestar = "";
Zeile 484 | Zeile 512 |
else { eval("\$polloptions .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_poll_option")."\";");
else { eval("\$polloptions .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_poll_option")."\";");
} } }
| } } }
// If there are any votes at all, all votes together will be 100%; if there are no votes, all votes together will be 0%. if($poll['totvotes'])
| // If there are any votes at all, all votes together will be 100%; if there are no votes, all votes together will be 0%. if($poll['totvotes'])
Zeile 624 | Zeile 652 |
$rating = ''; if($forum['allowtratings'] != 0) {
$rating = ''; if($forum['allowtratings'] != 0) {
| $rated = 0;
$lang->load("ratethread"); if($thread['numratings'] <= 0) {
| $lang->load("ratethread"); if($thread['numratings'] <= 0) {
Zeile 638 | Zeile 667 |
$thread['numratings'] = intval($thread['numratings']); }
$thread['numratings'] = intval($thread['numratings']); }
// Check if we have already voted on this thread - it won't show hover effect then. $query = $db->simple_select("threadratings", "uid", "tid='{$tid}' AND uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'"); $rated = $db->fetch_field($query, 'uid');
| if($thread['numratings']) { // At least >someone< has rated this thread, was it me? // Check if we have already voted on this thread - it won't show hover effect then. $query = $db->simple_select("threadratings", "uid", "tid='{$tid}' AND uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'"); $rated = $db->fetch_field($query, 'uid'); }
$not_rated = ''; if(!$rated)
| $not_rated = ''; if(!$rated)
Zeile 650 | Zeile 683 |
$ratingvotesav = $lang->sprintf($lang->rating_average, $thread['numratings'], $thread['averagerating']); eval("\$ratethread = \"".$templates->get("showthread_ratethread")."\";");
$ratingvotesav = $lang->sprintf($lang->rating_average, $thread['numratings'], $thread['averagerating']); eval("\$ratethread = \"".$templates->get("showthread_ratethread")."\";");
| }
// Work out if we are showing unapproved posts as well (if the user is a moderator etc.) if($ismod) {
| // Work out if we are showing unapproved posts as well (if the user is a moderator etc.) if($ismod) {
Zeile 676 | Zeile 709 |
{ $ignored_users[$uid] = 1; }
{ $ignored_users[$uid] = 1; }
}// Which thread mode is our user using by default? if(!empty($mybb->user['threadmode'])) { $defaultmode = $mybb->user['threadmode']; } else if($mybb->settings['threadusenetstyle'] == 1) { $defaultmode = 'threaded'; } else { $defaultmode = 'linear'; } // If mode is unset, set the default mode if(!isset($mybb->input['mode'])) { $mybb->input['mode'] = $defaultmode;
| |
} // Which thread mode is our user using by default?
| } // Which thread mode is our user using by default?
Zeile 747 | Zeile 762 |
// Is there actually a pid to display?
// Is there actually a pid to display?
if(!$showpost['pid']) { error($lang->error_invalidpost); }
| if(!$showpost['pid']) { error($lang->error_invalidpost); }
$attachcache = array(); if($thread['attachmentcount'] > 0)
| $attachcache = array(); if($thread['attachmentcount'] > 0)
Zeile 782 | Zeile 797 |
} $tree[$post['replyto']][$post['pid']] = $post; $postsdone[$post['pid']] = 1;
} $tree[$post['replyto']][$post['pid']] = $post; $postsdone[$post['pid']] = 1;
| }
} $threadedbits = buildtree();
| } $threadedbits = buildtree();
Zeile 805 | Zeile 820 |
} if($mybb->input['pid']) {
} if($mybb->input['pid']) {
| $post = get_post($mybb->input['pid']);
$query = $db->query("
$query = $db->query("
SELECT COUNT(p.pid) AS count FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p
| SELECT COUNT(p.dateline) AS count FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p
WHERE p.tid='$tid'
WHERE p.tid='$tid'
AND p.pid <= '".$mybb->input['pid']."'
| AND p.dateline <= '".$post['dateline']."'
$visible "); $result = $db->fetch_field($query, "count"); if(($result % $perpage) == 0) { $page = $result / $perpage;
$visible "); $result = $db->fetch_field($query, "count"); if(($result % $perpage) == 0) { $page = $result / $perpage;
| }
else { $page = intval($result / $perpage) + 1;
| else { $page = intval($result / $perpage) + 1;
Zeile 863 | Zeile 879 |
} if($defaultmode != "linear")
} if($defaultmode != "linear")
| {
| {
$threadmode = "&mode=linear";
$threadmode = "&mode=linear";
| }
else { $threadmode = "?mode=linear";
| else { $threadmode = "?mode=linear";
Zeile 876 | Zeile 892 |
} else {
} else {
if($mybb->input['highlight']) { $highlight = "&highlight=".urlencode($mybb->input['highlight']); }
| if($mybb->input['highlight']) { if(is_array($mybb->input['highlight'])) { foreach($mybb->input['highlight'] as $highlight_word) { $highlight .= "&highlight[]=".urlencode($highlight_word); } } else { $highlight = "&highlight=".urlencode($mybb->input['highlight']); } }
if($defaultmode != "linear") {
| if($defaultmode != "linear") {
Zeile 959 | Zeile 985 |
{ switch($db->type) {
{ switch($db->type) {
case "sqlite":
| |
case "pgsql":
case "pgsql":
$query = $db->query(" SELECT t.*, t.username AS threadusername, p.displaystyle AS threadprefix, u.username, MATCH (t.subject) AGAINST ('".$db->escape_string($thread['subject'])."') AS relevance FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadprefixes p ON (p.pid = t.prefix) LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid = t.uid) WHERE t.fid='{$thread['fid']}' AND t.tid!='{$thread['tid']}' AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND MATCH (t.subject) AGAINST ('".$db->escape_string($thread['subject'])."') >= '{$mybb->settings['similarityrating']}' ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT 0, {$mybb->settings['similarlimit']} "); break;
| $query = $db->query(" SELECT t.*, t.username AS threadusername, u.username FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid = t.uid), plainto_tsquery ('".$db->escape_string($thread['subject'])."') AS query WHERE t.fid='{$thread['fid']}' AND t.tid!='{$thread['tid']}' AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND t.subject @@ query AND ts_rank_cd(to_tsvector('english',t.subject), query ) >= '{$mybb->settings['similarityrating']}' ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC OFFSET 0 LIMIT {$mybb->settings['similarlimit']} "); break;
$query = $db->query(" SELECT t.*, t.username AS threadusername, p.displaystyle AS threadprefix, u.username, MATCH (t.subject) AGAINST ('".$db->escape_string($thread['subject'])."') AS relevance FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadprefixes p ON (p.pid = t.prefix) LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid = t.uid) WHERE t.fid='{$thread['fid']}' AND t.tid!='{$thread['tid']}' AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND MATCH (t.subject) AGAINST ('".$db->escape_string($thread['subject'])."') >= '{$mybb->settings['similarityrating']}' ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT 0, {$mybb->settings['similarlimit']} ");
| $query = $db->query(" SELECT t.*, t.username AS threadusername, u.username, MATCH (t.subject) AGAINST ('".$db->escape_string($thread['subject'])."') AS relevance FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid = t.uid) WHERE t.fid='{$thread['fid']}' AND t.tid!='{$thread['tid']}' AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND MATCH (t.subject) AGAINST ('".$db->escape_string($thread['subject'])."') >= '{$mybb->settings['similarityrating']}' ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT 0, {$mybb->settings['similarlimit']} ");
$count = 0; $similarthreadbits = ''; $icon_cache = $cache->read("posticons");
| $count = 0; $similarthreadbits = ''; $icon_cache = $cache->read("posticons");
Zeile 991 | Zeile 1014 |
++$count; $trow = alt_trow(); if($similar_thread['icon'] > 0 && $icon_cache[$similar_thread['icon']])
++$count; $trow = alt_trow(); if($similar_thread['icon'] > 0 && $icon_cache[$similar_thread['icon']])
| {
$icon = $icon_cache[$similar_thread['icon']]; $icon = "<img src=\"{$icon['path']}\" alt=\"{$icon['name']}\" />"; }
| $icon = $icon_cache[$similar_thread['icon']]; $icon = "<img src=\"{$icon['path']}\" alt=\"{$icon['name']}\" />"; }
Zeile 1003 | Zeile 1026 |
{ $similar_thread['username'] = $similar_thread['threadusername']; $similar_thread['profilelink'] = $similar_thread['threadusername'];
{ $similar_thread['username'] = $similar_thread['threadusername']; $similar_thread['profilelink'] = $similar_thread['threadusername'];
| }
else { $similar_thread['profilelink'] = build_profile_link($similar_thread['username'], $similar_thread['uid']);
| else { $similar_thread['profilelink'] = build_profile_link($similar_thread['username'], $similar_thread['uid']);
Zeile 1012 | Zeile 1035 |
// If this thread has a prefix, insert a space between prefix and subject if($similar_thread['prefix'] != 0) {
// If this thread has a prefix, insert a space between prefix and subject if($similar_thread['prefix'] != 0) {
$similar_thread['threadprefix'] .= ' ';
| $prefix = build_prefixes($similar_thread['prefix']); $similar_thread['threadprefix'] = $prefix['displaystyle'].' ';
} $similar_thread['subject'] = $parser->parse_badwords($similar_thread['subject']);
| } $similar_thread['subject'] = $parser->parse_badwords($similar_thread['subject']);
Zeile 1029 | Zeile 1053 |
if($lastposteruid == 0) { $lastposterlink = $lastposter;
if($lastposteruid == 0) { $lastposterlink = $lastposter;
| }
else { $lastposterlink = build_profile_link($lastposter, $lastposteruid);
| else { $lastposterlink = build_profile_link($lastposter, $lastposteruid);
Zeile 1046 | Zeile 1070 |
// Decide whether or not to show quick reply. if($forumpermissions['canpostreplys'] != 0 && $mybb->user['suspendposting'] != 1 && ($thread['closed'] != 1 || is_moderator($fid)) && $mybb->settings['quickreply'] != 0 && $mybb->user['showquickreply'] != '0' && $forum['open'] != 0)
// Decide whether or not to show quick reply. if($forumpermissions['canpostreplys'] != 0 && $mybb->user['suspendposting'] != 1 && ($thread['closed'] != 1 || is_moderator($fid)) && $mybb->settings['quickreply'] != 0 && $mybb->user['showquickreply'] != '0' && $forum['open'] != 0)
| {
$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "tid='{$tid}'", array("order_by" => "pid", "order_dir" => "desc", "limit" => 1)); $last_pid = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid"); // Show captcha image for guests if enabled
$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "tid='{$tid}'", array("order_by" => "pid", "order_dir" => "desc", "limit" => 1)); $last_pid = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid"); // Show captcha image for guests if enabled
if($mybb->settings['captchaimage'] == 1 && function_exists("imagepng") && !$mybb->user['uid'])
| if($mybb->settings['captchaimage'] && !$mybb->user['uid'])
$randomstr = random_str(5); $imagehash = md5(random_str(12)); $imagearray = array( "imagehash" => $imagehash, "imagestring" => $randomstr, "dateline" => TIME_NOW ); $db->insert_query("captcha", $imagearray); eval("\$captcha = \"".$templates->get("post_captcha")."\";");
| require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_captcha.php'; $post_captcha = new captcha(true, "post_captcha");
if($post_captcha->html) { $captcha = $post_captcha->html; }
} if($mybb->user['signature']) {
| } if($mybb->user['signature']) {
Zeile 1082 | Zeile 1104 |
// If the user is a moderator, show the moderation tools. if($ismod)
// If the user is a moderator, show the moderation tools. if($ismod)
{ $customthreadtools = $customposttools = ''; switch($db->type) { case "pgsql": case "sqlite": $query = $db->simple_select("modtools", "tid, name, type", "','||forums||',' LIKE '%,$fid,%' OR ','||forums||',' LIKE '%,-1,%' OR forums=''"); break; default: $query = $db->simple_select("modtools", "tid, name, type", "CONCAT(',',forums,',') LIKE '%,$fid,%' OR CONCAT(',',forums,',') LIKE '%,-1,%' OR forums=''"); } while($tool = $db->fetch_array($query))
| { if($forum_stats[-1]['modtools'] || $forum_stats[$forum['fid']]['modtools'])
if($tool['type'] == 'p')
| $customthreadtools = $customposttools = ''; switch($db->type) { case "pgsql": case "sqlite": $query = $db->simple_select("modtools", "tid, name, type", "','||forums||',' LIKE '%,$fid,%' OR ','||forums||',' LIKE '%,-1,%' OR forums=''"); break; default: $query = $db->simple_select("modtools", "tid, name, type", "CONCAT(',',forums,',') LIKE '%,$fid,%' OR CONCAT(',',forums,',') LIKE '%,-1,%' OR forums=''"); } while($tool = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if($tool['type'] == 'p') { eval("\$customposttools .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_inlinemoderation_custom_tool")."\";"); } else { eval("\$customthreadtools .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_moderationoptions_custom_tool")."\";"); } }
// Build inline moderation dropdown if(!empty($customposttools))
eval("\$customposttools .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_inlinemoderation_custom_tool")."\";"); } else { eval("\$customthreadtools .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_moderationoptions_custom_tool")."\";");
| eval("\$customposttools = \"".$templates->get("showthread_inlinemoderation_custom")."\";");
} }
} }
// Build inline moderation dropdown if(!empty($customposttools)) { eval("\$customposttools = \"".$templates->get("showthread_inlinemoderation_custom")."\";"); }
eval("\$inlinemod = \"".$templates->get("showthread_inlinemoderation")."\";");
// Build thread moderation dropdown if(!empty($customthreadtools))
eval("\$inlinemod = \"".$templates->get("showthread_inlinemoderation")."\";");
// Build thread moderation dropdown if(!empty($customthreadtools))
| {
eval("\$customthreadtools = \"".$templates->get("showthread_moderationoptions_custom")."\";");
eval("\$customthreadtools = \"".$templates->get("showthread_moderationoptions_custom")."\";");
| }
eval("\$moderationoptions = \"".$templates->get("showthread_moderationoptions")."\";");
eval("\$moderationoptions = \"".$templates->get("showthread_moderationoptions")."\";");
| }
$lang->newthread_in = $lang->sprintf($lang->newthread_in, $forum['name']); // Subscription status
$lang->newthread_in = $lang->sprintf($lang->newthread_in, $forum['name']); // Subscription status
$query = $db->simple_select("threadsubscriptions", "tid", "tid='".intval($tid)."' AND uid='".intval($mybb->user['uid'])."'", array('limit' => 1)); if($db->fetch_field($query, 'tid'))
| $add_remove_subscription = 'add'; $add_remove_subscription_text = $lang->subscribe_thread;
$add_remove_subscription = 'remove'; $add_remove_subscription_text = $lang->unsubscribe_thread;
| $query = $db->simple_select("threadsubscriptions", "tid", "tid='".intval($tid)."' AND uid='".intval($mybb->user['uid'])."'", array('limit' => 1));
if($db->fetch_field($query, 'tid')) { $add_remove_subscription = 'remove'; $add_remove_subscription_text = $lang->unsubscribe_thread; }
else { $add_remove_subscription = 'add'; $add_remove_subscription_text = $lang->subscribe_thread; }
if($mybb->settings['postlayout'] == "classic") { eval("\$classic_header = \"".$templates->get("showthread_classic_header")."\";");
| if($mybb->settings['postlayout'] == "classic") { eval("\$classic_header = \"".$templates->get("showthread_classic_header")."\";");
Zeile 1145 | Zeile 1175 |
$timecut = TIME_NOW - $mybb->settings['wolcutoff'];
$comma = '';
$timecut = TIME_NOW - $mybb->settings['wolcutoff'];
$comma = '';
$onlinemembers = '';
| |
$guestcount = 0; $membercount = 0; $inviscount = 0;
$guestcount = 0; $membercount = 0; $inviscount = 0;
| $onlinemembers = ''; $doneusers = array();
$query = $db->query("
$query = $db->query("
SELECT s.ip, s.uid, s.time, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup
| SELECT s.ip, s.uid, s.time, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sessions s LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (s.uid=u.uid) WHERE s.time > '$timecut' AND location2='$tid' AND nopermission != 1 ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.time DESC ");
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sessions s LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (s.uid=u.uid) WHERE s.time > '$timecut' AND location2='$tid' AND nopermission != 1 ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.time DESC ");
while($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if($user['uid'] == 0)
while($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if($user['uid'] == 0)
| {
++$guestcount; }
++$guestcount; }
| else if($doneusers[$user['uid']] < $user['time'] || !$doneusers[$user['uid']])
if($doneusers[$user['uid']] < $user['time'] || !$doneusers[$user['uid']])
| ++$membercount; $doneusers[$user['uid']] = $user['time'];
$invisiblemark = ''; if($user['invisible'] == 1)
$doneusers[$user['uid']] = $user['time']; ++$membercount; if($user['invisible'] == 1) { $invisiblemark = "*";
| $invisiblemark = "*"; ++$inviscount; }
if($user['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid']) { ++$inviscount; } } else { $invisiblemark = ''; } if($user['invisible'] != 1 || $mybb->usergroup['canviewwolinvis'] == 1 || $user['uid'] == $mybb->user['uid']) { $user['profilelink'] = get_profile_link($user['uid']); $user['username'] = format_name($user['username'], $user['usergroup'], $user['displaygroup']); $user['reading'] = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $user['time']); eval("\$onlinemembers .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_usersbrowsing_user", 1, 0)."\";"); $comma = $lang->comma; }
| if($user['invisible'] != 1 || $mybb->usergroup['canviewwolinvis'] == 1 || $user['uid'] == $mybb->user['uid']) { $user['profilelink'] = get_profile_link($user['uid']); $user['username'] = format_name($user['username'], $user['usergroup'], $user['displaygroup']); $user['reading'] = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $user['time']);
eval("\$onlinemembers .= \"".$templates->get("showthread_usersbrowsing_user", 1, 0)."\";"); $comma = $lang->comma;
} }
} }
| }
if($guestcount) { $guestsonline = $lang->sprintf($lang->users_browsing_thread_guests, $guestcount); }
if($guestcount && $onlinemembers) { $onlinesep = $lang->comma; }
$invisonline = '';
$invisonline = '';
$onlinesep2 = $onlinesep = ''; if($inviscount && $mybb->usergroup['canviewwolinvis'] != 1) { if($onlinemembers) { $onlinesep = $lang->comma; }
| if($inviscount && $mybb->usergroup['canviewwolinvis'] != 1 && ($inviscount != 1 && $mybb->user['invisible'] != 1)) { $invisonline = $lang->sprintf($lang->users_browsing_thread_invis, $inviscount); }
$invisonline = $lang->sprintf($lang->users_browsing_thread_invis, $inviscount); }
if($guestcount) { if($onlinemembers) { $onlinesep2 = $lang->comma; }
$guestsonline = $lang->sprintf($lang->users_browsing_thread_guests, $guestcount); }
| if($invisonline != '' && $guestcount) { $onlinesep2 = $lang->comma; }
eval("\$usersbrowsing = \"".$templates->get("showthread_usersbrowsing")."\";"); }
| eval("\$usersbrowsing = \"".$templates->get("showthread_usersbrowsing")."\";"); }