Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/forum_management.lang.php - 1.4.3 - 1.4.14

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$l['allow_html'] = "Yes, allow HTML in posts";
$l['allow_mycode'] = "Yes, allow MyCode in posts";
$l['allow_smilies'] = "Yes, allow smilies in posts";

$l['allow_html'] = "Yes, allow HTML in posts";
$l['allow_mycode'] = "Yes, allow MyCode in posts";
$l['allow_smilies'] = "Yes, allow smilies in posts";

$l['allow_img_code'] = "Yes, allow [img] code in posts";

$l['allow_img_code'] = "Yes, allow [img] code in posts (requires MyCode to be turned on)";

$l['allow_post_icons'] = "Yes, allow post icons to be chosen for posts";
$l['allow_thread_ratings'] = "Yes, allow threads to be rated";
$l['show_forum_jump'] = "Yes, show this forum in the 'forum jump' menu";

$l['allow_post_icons'] = "Yes, allow post icons to be chosen for posts";
$l['allow_thread_ratings'] = "Yes, allow threads to be rated";
$l['show_forum_jump'] = "Yes, show this forum in the 'forum jump' menu";

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$l['error_missing_title'] = "You must enter in a title.";
$l['error_no_parent'] = "You must select a parent forum.";

$l['error_missing_title'] = "You must enter in a title.";
$l['error_no_parent'] = "You must select a parent forum.";

$l['error_not_empty'] = "Forums with threads cannot be converted to categories.";

$l['success_forum_added'] = "The forum has been created successfully.";
$l['success_moderator_added'] = "The moderator has been added to this forum successfully.";

$l['success_forum_added'] = "The forum has been created successfully.";
$l['success_moderator_added'] = "The moderator has been added to this forum successfully.";