Vergleich install/resources/upgrade1.php - 1.4.3 - 1.4.11

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 * $Id: upgrade1.php 3825 2008-05-10 16:35:33Z Tikitiki $

 * $Id: upgrade1.php 4304 2009-01-02 01:11:56Z chris $





Zeile 354Zeile 354
	$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (54, 'publiceventcolor', 'Public Events Color', 'The color that public events will be shown in on the main calendar page.', 'text', 'green', 1, 17);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (55, 'movedprefix', 'Moved Threads Prefix', 'The prefix that threads that have been moved to another forum should have.', 'text', '<b>Moved:</b>', 5, 7);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (56, 'hottopicviews', 'Views For Hot Topic', 'The number of views a thread can have before it is considered \'hot\'.', 'text', '150', 7, 7);");

	$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (54, 'publiceventcolor', 'Public Events Color', 'The color that public events will be shown in on the main calendar page.', 'text', 'green', 1, 17);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (55, 'movedprefix', 'Moved Threads Prefix', 'The prefix that threads that have been moved to another forum should have.', 'text', '<b>Moved:</b>', 5, 7);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (56, 'hottopicviews', 'Views For Hot Topic', 'The number of views a thread can have before it is considered \'hot\'.', 'text', '150', 7, 7);");

	$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (59, 'logip', 'Log Posting IP Addresses', 'Do you wish to log ip addresses of users who post, and who to you want to show ip addresses to.', 'radio\r\nno=Do not log IP\r\nhide=Show to Admins & Mods\r\nshow=Show to all Users', 'hide', 3, 13);");

	$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (59, 'logip', 'Log Posting IP Addresses', 'Do you wish to log ip addresses of users who post, and who you want to show ip addresses to.', 'radio\r\nno=Do not log IP\r\nhide=Show to Admins & Mods\r\nshow=Show to all Users', 'hide', 3, 13);");

	$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (60, 'statslimit', 'Stats Limit', 'The number of threads to show on the stats page for most replies and most views.', 'text', '15', 5, 1);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (65, 'modlist', 'Forums\' Moderator Listing', 'Here you can turn on or off the listing of moderators for each forum on index.php and forumdisplay.php', 'onoff', 'on', 5, 16);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (66, 'smilieinserter', 'Clickable Smilies Inserter', 'Clickable smilies will appear on the posting pages if this option is set to \'on\'.', 'onoff', 'on', 1, 20);");

	$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (60, 'statslimit', 'Stats Limit', 'The number of threads to show on the stats page for most replies and most views.', 'text', '15', 5, 1);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (65, 'modlist', 'Forums\' Moderator Listing', 'Here you can turn on or off the listing of moderators for each forum on index.php and forumdisplay.php', 'onoff', 'on', 5, 16);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO `settings` (`sid`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `optionscode`, `value`, `disporder`, `gid`) VALUES (66, 'smilieinserter', 'Clickable Smilies Inserter', 'Clickable smilies will appear on the posting pages if this option is set to \'on\'.', 'onoff', 'on', 1, 20);");