Vergleich inc/datahandlers/user.php - 1.4.3 - 1.4.4

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 * $Id: user.php 4162 2008-08-31 16:44:33Z Tikitiki $

 * $Id: user.php 4261 2008-11-03 01:11:33Z Tikitiki $


// Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons


// Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons

Zeile 253Zeile 253

// Check signed up emails


// Check signed up emails

		if($mybb->settings['allowmultipleemails'] == 0)

		// Ignore the ACP because the Merge System sometimes produces users with duplicate email addresses (Not A Bug)
if($mybb->settings['allowmultipleemails'] == 0 && !defined("IN_ADMINCP"))

if(email_already_in_use($user['email'], $user['uid']))

if(email_already_in_use($user['email'], $user['uid']))