Vergleich install/resources/settings.xml - 1.2.2 - 1.2.10

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Zeile 655Zeile 655
<setting name="attachthumbnails">
<title>Show Attached Thumbnails in Posts</title>

<setting name="attachthumbnails">
<title>Show Attached Thumbnails in Posts</title>

			<description><![CDATA[Do you want to show the generated thumbnails for attached images inside the posts?]]></description>

			<description><![CDATA[How do you want images to be shown in posts?]]></description>




no=Full Size Image
download=As Download Link]]></optionscode>



Zeile 785Zeile 788




		<setting name="standardheaders">
<title>Send Standard Headers</title>
<description><![CDATA[With some web servers, this option can cause problems; with others, it is needed. ]]></description>

		<setting name="standardheaders">
<title>Send Standard Headers</title>
<description><![CDATA[With some web servers, this option can cause problems; with others, it is needed. ]]></description>



<setting name="nocacheheaders">
<title>Send No Cache Headers</title>
<description><![CDATA[With this option you can prevent caching of the page by the browser.]]></description>

<setting name="nocacheheaders">
<title>Send No Cache Headers</title>
<description><![CDATA[With this option you can prevent caching of the page by the browser.]]></description>



<setting name="redirects">

<setting name="redirects">

Zeile 823Zeile 826
			<title>Output template start/end comments?</title>
<description><![CDATA[This will enable or disable the output of template start/end comments in the HTML.]]></description>

			<title>Output template start/end comments?</title>
<description><![CDATA[This will enable or disable the output of template start/end comments in the HTML.]]></description>



<setting name="useshutdownfunc">

<setting name="useshutdownfunc">

Zeile 848Zeile 851
		<setting name="extraadmininfo">
<title>Advanced Stats / Debug information</title>
<description><![CDATA[Shows Server load, parse time, generation time, Gzip compression, etc on the bottom of all pages in the root folder. Please note that only administrators see this information.]]></description>

		<setting name="extraadmininfo">
<title>Advanced Stats / Debug information</title>
<description><![CDATA[Shows Server load, parse time, generation time, Gzip compression, etc on the bottom of all pages in the root folder. Please note that only administrators see this information.]]></description>



<setting name="uploadspath">
<title>Uploads Path</title>

<setting name="uploadspath">
<title>Uploads Path</title>

Zeile 858Zeile 861



<setting name="enableforumjump">
<title>Enable Forum Jump Menu?</title>
<description><![CDATA[The forum jump menu is shown on the forum and thread view pages. It can add significant load to your forums if you have a large amount of forums. Set to 'No' to disable it.]]></description>

<settinggroup name="showteam" title="Show Forum Team Options" description="This section allows you to manage settings that affect the Forum Team Page (showteam.php)." disporder="10" isdefault="yes">
<setting name="showteamleaders">

<settinggroup name="showteam" title="Show Forum Team Options" description="This section allows you to manage settings that affect the Forum Team Page (showteam.php)." disporder="10" isdefault="yes">
<setting name="showteamleaders">

Zeile 915Zeile 926
		<setting name="multiquote">
<title>Show Multi-quote Buttons</title>
<description><![CDATA[The multi-quote button allows users to select a series of posts then click Reply and have those posts quoted in their message.]]></description>

		<setting name="multiquote">
<title>Show Multi-quote Buttons</title>
<description><![CDATA[The multi-quote button allows users to select a series of posts then click Reply and have those posts quoted in their message.]]></description>





Zeile 948Zeile 959
	<settinggroup name="member" title="User Registration and Profile Options" description="Here you can control various settings with relation to user account registration and account management." disporder="8" isdefault="yes">
<setting name="disableregs">
<title>Disable Registrations</title>

	<settinggroup name="member" title="User Registration and Profile Options" description="Here you can control various settings with relation to user account registration and account management." disporder="8" isdefault="yes">
<setting name="disableregs">
<title>Disable Registrations</title>

			<description><![CDATA[Allows you to turn off the capability for users to register with one click.]]></description>

			<description><![CDATA[Allows you to turn off the capability for users to register.]]></description>



Zeile 977Zeile 988
		<setting name="maxnamelength">
<title>Maximum Username Length</title>
<description><![CDATA[The maximum number of characters a username can be when a user registers.]]></description>

		<setting name="maxnamelength">
<title>Maximum Username Length</title>
<description><![CDATA[The maximum number of characters a username can be when a user registers.]]></description>



		<setting name="minpasswordlength">
<title>Minimum Password Length</title>
<description><![CDATA[The minimum number of characters a password should contain.]]></description>

		<setting name="minpasswordlength">
<title>Minimum Password Length</title>
<description><![CDATA[The minimum number of characters a password should contain.]]></description>



			<setting name="maxpasswordlength">
<title>Maximum Password Length</title>
<description><![CDATA[The maximum number of characters a password should contain.]]></description>

			<setting name="maxpasswordlength">
<title>Maximum Password Length</title>
<description><![CDATA[The maximum number of characters a password should contain.]]></description>



		<setting name="customtitlemaxlength">
<title>Custom User Title Maximum Length</title>
<description><![CDATA[Maximum length a user can enter for the custom user title.]]></description>

		<setting name="customtitlemaxlength">
<title>Custom User Title Maximum Length</title>
<description><![CDATA[Maximum length a user can enter for the custom user title.]]></description>



		<setting name="betweenregstime">
<title>Time Between Registrations</title>
<description><![CDATA[The amount of time (in hours) to disallow registrations for users who have already registered an account under the same ip address.]]></description>

		<setting name="betweenregstime">
<title>Time Between Registrations</title>
<description><![CDATA[The amount of time (in hours) to disallow registrations for users who have already registered an account under the same ip address.]]></description>



		<setting name="maxregsbetweentime">
<title>Maximum Registrations Per IP Address</title>
<description><![CDATA[This option allows you to set the maximum amount of times a certain user can register within the timeframe specified above.]]></description>

		<setting name="maxregsbetweentime">
<title>Maximum Registrations Per IP Address</title>
<description><![CDATA[This option allows you to set the maximum amount of times a certain user can register within the timeframe specified above.]]></description>



		<setting name="failedlogincount">
<title>Number of times to allow failed logins</title>
<description><![CDATA[The number of times to allow someone to attempt to login. 0 to disable]]></description>

		<setting name="failedlogincount">
<title>Number of times to allow failed logins</title>
<description><![CDATA[The number of times to allow someone to attempt to login. 0 to disable]]></description>



		<setting name="failedlogintime">
<title>Time between failed logins</title>
<description><![CDATA[The amount of time (in minutes) before someone can try to login again, after they have failed to login the first time. Used if value above is not 0.]]></description>

		<setting name="failedlogintime">
<title>Time between failed logins</title>
<description><![CDATA[The amount of time (in minutes) before someone can try to login again, after they have failed to login the first time. Used if value above is not 0.]]></description>

Zeile 1042Zeile 1053
			<title>Display number of failed logins</title>
<description><![CDATA[Do you wish to display a line of text telling the user how many more login attempts they have?]]></description>

			<title>Display number of failed logins</title>
<description><![CDATA[Do you wish to display a line of text telling the user how many more login attempts they have?]]></description>



		<setting name="usereferrals">
<title>Use Referrals System</title>
<description><![CDATA[Do you want to use the user referrals system on these forums?]]></description>

		<setting name="usereferrals">
<title>Use Referrals System</title>
<description><![CDATA[Do you want to use the user referrals system on these forums?]]></description>

Zeile 1150Zeile 1161


<setting name="refreshwol">
<title>Refresh Who's online page</title>
<description><![CDATA[Do you want the online page to refresh after 60 seconds?]]></description>



Zeile 1169Zeile 1188




<setting name="minsearchword">
<title>Minimum Search Word Length</title>
<description><![CDATA[Enter the minimum number of characters an individual word in a search query can be. Set to 0 to disable (and accept the hard limit default of 3 for standard searching and 4 for MySQL fulltext searching). If you use MySQL fulltext searching and set this lower than the MySQL setting - MySQL will override it.]]></description>

<setting name="minsearchword">
<title>Minimum Search Word Length</title>
<description><![CDATA[Enter the minimum number of characters an individual word in a search query can be. Set to 0 to disable (and accept the hard limit default of 3 for standard searching and 4 for MySQL fulltext searching). If you use MySQL fulltext searching and set this lower than the MySQL setting - MySQL will override it.]]></description>

<setting name="searchhardlimit">
<title>Hard Limit for Maximum Search Results</title>
<description><![CDATA[Enter the maximum amount of results to be processed. Set to 0 to disable. On larger boards (more than 1 million posts) this should be set to no more than 1000.]]></description>

