Vergleich install/upgrade.php - 1.00 - 1.18

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error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

// The version number of MyBB we are installing

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

// The version number of MyBB we are installing

$myver = "1.0 Preview Release 2";

$myver = "1.1.8";

require "../inc/class_core.php";
$mybb = new MyBB;

require "../inc/class_core.php";
$mybb = new MyBB;

Zeile 42Zeile 42


// Set if we need to revert templates and settings for this version
$reverttemplates = 1;
$revertalltemplates = 1;
$rebuilddbsettings = 1;
$rebuildsettingsfile = 1;
$revertallthemes = 1;
$valid = 0;

NOTE: This code has been commented out because of the new login system.

if($do == "login")
$query = $db->query("SELECT uid, password, usergroup, salt, loginkey FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users WHERE username='$adminuser'");
$failcheck = 1;
$md5pw = md5($adminpass);
$query = $db->query("SELECT uid, password, usergroup FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users WHERE uid='$mybbadmin[uid]' AND password='$mybbadmin[password]'");
$user = $db->fetch_array($query);
$query = $db->query("SELECT cancp FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."usergroups WHERE gid='".$user['usergroup']."'");
$ausergroup = $db->fetch_array($query);
if($ausergroup[cancp] == "yes")
setcookie("mybbadmin[uid]", $user['uid']);
setcookie("mybbadmin[password]", $user['password']);
$valid = 1;

if($valid != 1)
$output->print_header("Please Login", 0);
$contents = "<p>To continue with the upgrade process we need to verify that you are indeed an administrator of these forums. Please enter your username and password below.</p>\n";
$contents .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"upgrade.php\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"login\" /><p><b>Username: </b><br /><input type=\"text\" name=\"adminuser\" /></p><p><b>Password: </b><br /><input type=\"password\" name=\"adminpass\" /></p><p><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Login\"></form>\n";

$output->print_error("The installer is currently locked, please remove 'lock' from the install directory to continue");

$output->print_error("The installer is currently locked, please remove 'lock' from the install directory to continue");