Vergleich inc/functions_post.php - 1.13 - 1.16

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$fullurl = $url;
// attempt to make a bit of sense out of their url if they dont type it properly

$fullurl = $url;
// attempt to make a bit of sense out of their url if they dont type it properly

	if(strpos($url, "www.") === 0)

	if(!preg_match("#[a-z0-9]+://#i", $fullurl))

$fullurl = "http://".$fullurl;

$fullurl = "http://".$fullurl;

	if(strpos($url, "ftp.") === 0)
$fullurl = "ftp://".$fullurl;
if(strpos($fullurl, "://") === false)
$fullurl = "http://".$fullurl;

$name = $url;

$name = $url;